10 Common Myths On ADHD You Must Know!

ADHD Centre in Bangalore | CAPAAR

There are various kinds of myths about ADHD floating over the internet. The chances are more for plenty of misconceptions that makes it hard to grasp what’s true and what’s not and how you offer the best support to your child being in this environment.

Well, being well aware on the facts is all you need to help yourself feel more confident in your parenting decisions. Here we bring you to Myths along with the Facts hoping this will really enable you in making well thought decisions by the Best ADHD Centre in Bangalore | CAPAAR.

Myth #1: ADHD is not really a Medical Condition.

Fact: Globally there are multiple recognized institutes that recognize ADHD as a medical condition.

Research shows that ADHD has hereditary tendencies—as much as 25% of the people with ADHD have a parent with ADHD. And differences in brain development can be witnessed between kids who have ADHD and kids who don’t through imaging techniques.

Myth #2: One of the outcomes of Bad Parenting is ADHD

Fact: It’s nothing unusual that kids with ADHD tend to struggle with their behaviour because of the various challenges. But people unaware of your child may go ahead and attribute your child’s behaviour to a lack of discipline or poor upbringing. They will not understand the fact that your child’s inappropriate comments or constant fidgeting are part of a medical condition he is going through and not a result of poor parenting.

Myth #3: Extra hard attention and effort is needed from kids with ADHD

Fact: Usually misunderstood as the issue of lack of motivation or laziness, the fact is that Kids with ADHD are often trying as hard as they can to pay attention—sometimes even harder than other kids.

Let’s understand this with a scenario. Asking the kids with ADHD to “just concentrate” literally may mean similar like asking a person having nearsightedness to see as far away that too without wearing glasses. The difference in the alignment of neural networks in the brains of kids with ADHD. Either these networks may take longer time to develop or may work less efficiently.

Myth #4: Kids with ADHD find it hard to focus on tasks

Fact: The fact is there can be two scenarios the myths won’t throw light on. Sometimes, kids who may be easily distracted can even face challenge in shifting focus away from a task they tend to enjoy doing. This is a result of hyper focus which doesn’t mean that the task at which the kid is intensely focused – is paying more attention than other kids without ADHD.

Myth #5: Hyperactivity is common in ADHD

Fact: No, before we go into discussing whether kids with ADHD are Hyper active or not let us take a look at one of the types of ADHD first. One of them is Predominantly Inattentive Type –ADD has no impact on activity levels. Kids with this type of ADHD primarily have difficulty paying attention and are easily distracted.

Myth #6: ADHD affects only boys

Fact: Numbers clearly show that boys are more than twice susceptible as girls to be diagnosed with ADHD, that in no way indicates that girls don’t have ADHD. The possibility is that they may overlooked and remain undiagnosed.

Attention issues can affect boys and girls differently. Boys with ADHD tend to face more challenges dealing with hyperactivity and impulse control than girls do. To others they may appear to be day dreaming most of the time.

Myth #7: Hyperactivity is something that Girls with ADHD never experience

Fact: Yes, true that they do tend to have less trouble with hyperactivity than boys. But this hyperactivity may be replaced by hypersensitive or overly emotional. Others like their Teachers and parents may notice those interrupting conversations or being chattier than remaining girls. People don’t usually get a sense of why the behaviour is so, as a result, girls with ADHD can go unnoticed and thereby undiagnosed as well.

Myth #8: Medication is the only way to treat ADHD.

Fact: Agree that medication is the most effective treatment for about 80 percent of kids with ADHD, but the truth is that it’s not the only one. There are so many behavioural therapy options and other forms of ADHD treatments that help to treat it to a great extent.

Myth #9: ADHD by nature is a form of learning disability.

Fact: We must learn to differentiate between a learning disability as a whole and as a resultant factor ADHD. A learning disability, on the other hand, causes difficulty in learning specific skills such as reading or math. On the other hand ADHD affects the ability of the child to focus which in turn results in challenges in learning; however this should not be confused with straight Learning Disability.

Myth #10: Kids with ADHD eventually outgrow it as they become adults.

Fact: The truth is that most kids don’t really outgrow ADHD, although some symptoms may eventually reduce or disappear as they get older. The nature of symptoms may also change as the kids age and learn ways to manage them better. But this should not be misinterpreted as outgrowing them.

By understanding about ADHD in good detail, you can help debunk myths others have and also make sensible decisions with regards to choosing the right treatment options. ADHD Centre in Bangalore | Capaar4Autism | Dr. Sumitha Hemavathy (PT) is one of the Best ADHD Expert in Bangalore who has been expertise in treating all ADHD Disorders.

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