Parent Consulting for Autism | Best Autism Centre in Bangalore | CAPAAR

As a parent, we spent a lot of time thinking about the better future of our child. We are more concern if our child has autism spectrum disorder or
 diagnosed with ASD.

You need not to worry. There are many simple home care tips which can help your child to do better and can make lot of difference.

Let’s discuses some of the activities:

  • Focus on the positive. Praise them and motivate them. Even small good work, try to praise and motivate them. When you praise them for the behaviors they’re doing well, it will make them feel good. We need to be very specific, so that they know exactly what you liked about their behavior. Try to find ways to reward them like giving some extra playtime or a small prize
  • Stay consistent and on schedule. For children having ASD make sure they follow a good routine and get consistent guidance and interaction. This will help them to practice what they learn from therapy. Try to implement the new skill or knowledge in different situation. This will make the learning and implementing the new skill easier
  • Put play on the schedule. Kids like fun more than education. Try finding new activities that can give them more fun as this may help your child open up and connect with you.
  • Give it time. If your kid is not responding well don’t get discourage. Give time as every kid will respond differently. Be positive and try not to get discouraged if they don’t respond well to a particular method.
  • Take your child along for everyday activities. Usually, parents of ASD kids try to avoid taking them outside the home. Try taking them outside for some normal work like grocery shopping or to a post office, it may help them get them used to the world around them.
  • Get support. Try getting support from friends, families or any professional. Try interacting with other families which has ASD kids in their home. Think about what might make your life a little easier, and ask for help.


This article is contributed by Dr. P. Sumitha Hemavathy (PT), Director and Autism Specialist at CAPAAR which is the Best Autism Centre in Bangalore. Book your appointment with our Best Autism Specialist in Bangalore.

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