Autism Centre near me in Bangalore

Autism is a disability of neurological development that can hamper normal brain development; it affects communication, interacting socially and behavior as well. It is commonly known as a spectrum disorder because its effects can be seen in multiple combinations that can affect children in many ways. It is completely dependent upon the severity of the medical condition in children. Some of the children might not be able to do anything without help, while others might be able to do some actions with less help. It depends upon the severity of Autism. Symptoms of Autism There are some of the most common symptoms of Autism that can be noticed in the children. But the parents have to be aware of all these conditions so that they should be able to identify the symptoms and thus they should be able to take the decision accordingly. If the parents would be aware of the symptoms, it would be easy for them to understand this problem and would not create any problem for the...