Warning signs of language delay in children

Speech and Language Therapies in Bangalore | CAPAAR Children pick up the language at various rates than their peers, but the majority follow a common timeline. It is time to consult your doctor if you feel that your child is not going on par with other children in meeting communication milestones expected to reach as per his age. Early intervention is the best solution when it comes to the delay in picking up language skills. With this comes the accurate identification of the issue that’s causing the delay in language development and maybe even in the other cognitive skill development later. We must understand the development of language skills is not a short term assignment as its common to face several obstacles in the process. For instance, you may have asked a kid to sing a song for you and that kid may have got stuck in a particular word – repeating it many times. What we need to analyze clearly here is whether the kid is trying to memorize the next lines – that unconsc...